Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Resurrection Sunday! I hope you all really think about, what EASTER REALLY IS!! I hope you ALL enjoy a GREAT Easter,and Praise God for loveing us the WAY HE DID!! Remember in 1st John 3:14?Where it says "We love him,because HE first loved us",  It is still BUT,WHAT MOST PEOPLE FORGET IS THAT GOD IS THE 1 AND ONLY TRUE REASON FOR EASTER!  (as MOST like to call it RESURRECTION SUNDAY!),Well have a Great week-end enjoying Easter,with friends,and Family! Really this Easter just THINK What we are celebrating this Sunday for!!! So go have fun eating your Ham,Doing egg hunts,easter baskets whatever it may be! Just remember GOD IS THE ONE REASON!!!! WE HAVE THIS SUNDAY!!!,OR ANY DAY OF THE TIME WE HAVE ON EARTH!!Praise God for all he`s done! have a fun,happy Easter!!

Until next time!!~Padme!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

5 things about me!

1.I am a SW,and Gi-Joe fan

2.I have glasses

3.I have 5 siblings

4.(I dont know if this is really a fact about me!!)Other ways to contact me is through: my account name is "tiara8",Clonewars my account is "jaina9",club penguin(I rearely go on this) "plumply10"

5.I have 2 BESTEST friends in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!

Until next time~Padme!!=)

A day at the Apple Orchard/Park!

One day last fall  me and my BFF Barriss AKA Opine of Mine! Were at a apple orchard and we were at the park part just playing around like normal kids!Then these two youngsters (4 to be exact) One named Brice,andthe other one was such a random name we forgot what his name was!,Well moveing on! They Were wearing(Not that it matters or anything but,you never know) 1(Brice) was wearing a SW the CW shirt with Spider man sunglasses! HOW COOL IS THAT?? The other kid had a Great white t-shirt!! So Brice liked Mace Windu,and the other liked Darth Vader! So me and my friend (Barriss) defended ourselves  with imaginary lightsabers because for the simple reason the were Kinda smacking us! LOL =) one even was even holding on to Barriss`s stomach like he was hugging her! Then One little girl on the monkey bars watching us said "dont run away like little girls" Barriss of course retorted her "Of course were not" At one point thier Mom came over and asked if we were ok playing with the youngsters! We said we were alright,we were haveing so... much fun! Then on of the little boys called us "Idiots" thier mom told them to be nice to us girls for us playing with them! then at one point we told them my big Brother was the bad guy (By accident) they chased him around,Until my brother found like the best hideing spot in the play area! then of course that little girl again interupted us to tell the little boys where my brother was hideing but my brother went on top of the tractor,and did`nt come down,but then it was time (AT LAST) to say our "Goodbyes"we said those fun goodbyes andthat was that FUN,ACTION packed day at the apple orchard!!!! Good day to you and to all a good day (Or you could say night!)

Until next time~Padme!=)